Friday, 11 November 2016

Exploring Cultural Traditions Part 1...Diwali

One of the teaching goals I had set for myself this year was to have my students learn, understand and share more of their own cultures within our classroom.  I also wanted my students to begin to recognize the many similarities between their own family traditions and cultures and the traditions of their classmates.

These ideas brought us to learn and explore our first cultural celebration of the year beginning on October 31st....Diwali.

Our amazing learning support teacher Miss. Brar took the lead with this, because she personally celebrates Diwali with her family and has celebrated for many generations. She brought in some authentic artifacts such as peacock feathers, ceremonial clothing and many hands on activities for the students to learn from.

Here is a look at what Diwali in room 6 looked like...

First we began with learning about the history of Diwali. It is a traditional fall celebration mainly celebrated in India. During this time people shut off all their lights in their homes and live the week under just candle light. Diwali the word meaning 'Rows of Lights'. Miss. B told us that this was also a time that people set goals and hopes and dreams for the year. Our class set their own goals and hopes, these were called Lakshmi's.

Many of the dreams the students set were about hoping for happiness and for good health for their families.

Next the students learned about ceremonial clothing women and men wore during Diwali.
B.S also celebrates Diwali with his family and truly saw himself as an expert during this time!

Room 6 got a hands on learning experience when creating their own Diya's. They began first with molding the dough into a shape they liked. Then Miss. B baked the dough and finally students were then able to paint and decorate their special Diya's.


Finally the class shared a traditional snack of Samosa's. All of the students tried them! Some even enjoyed them!
Many students made connections to their own traditions that they celebrate with their family.

H. C-R said "How they dress up is like how I dress differently when I PowWow dance. Also the Samoa's are kind of like bannock"

                                                                               L.Y. "All of the lights reminds me of Christmas"

Until the next tradition...

Nicole and Room 6