Read a louds are an important daily aspect of every early years classroom and our room is no different. As the teacher I make a consistent effort to be reading a book to my students each day. This can be either a picture book, novel or poem. It is such an important time where we can all gather together on the carpet and be lost in the world of a book. It is one of the rare moments in the day when nobody needs to move or talk, such simply enjoy and listen!
Recently, the students have expressed an interest in reading to the class at the end of each day. This was a time I had previously designated to reading a chapter book to the class. Since we have recently finished a novel it seemed like the perfect time to switch gears and have the students start to read. I started causally asking students if they would be interested in reading a book to the class. A few names came forward and after the first few students went it was a positive domino effect of student interest. We are now going heading into our second round of everyone reading and it has been more successful then I could have ever anticipated.
Here are some images of students reading and the rest of the class fully engaged in their classmates:

Another aspect of this student read a loud time is that after each student has finished reading the class then brainstorms 5 positive things that each student did while reading, some of the comments were so amazing and thoughtful such as:
"You were so brave!" "You picked a Good Fit Book" "You knew when to ask for help"
"You used a lovely reading voice" "That was amazing to listen to!"
Each student then takes this paper home and can share it with their families. A few families have even contacted me to share how much their child appreciated this activity and how they as their parent loved to see this positive feedback coming home! This will definitely become a daily routine in our classroom!
What are some of the traditions and routines that you do everyday with your classes?
Nicole and Room 6